• © Francesco Carovillano/Erlebnis Bremerhaven

Worlds of knowledge and experience

“Explain it to me and I will forget. Show me and I’ll remember. Let me do it myself and I’ll understand.” What old Confucius already knew back then becomes truly tangible in the world of discovery that is Bremen. Because there are museums here which impart knowledge in an entertaining way. And discovery centres, which provide more than just fun. For the “worlds of discovery” in Bremen and Bremerhaven: Variety is the spice of life - well-founded information, prepared in an understandable way and brought to life vividly. Exciting special exhibitions in the institutes add to the portfolio.

Exciting worlds of discovery and science centres, insights into futuristic technologies - with countless projects, Bremen proves that science doesn’t have to be boring. The worlds of discovery in Bremen are constantly finding new ways of amazing their visitors. For example the Universum Bremen (German only) with its focus on technology, humans and nature, the botanika nature discovery centre with incredible plant phenomena or the thought-provoking Bunker Valentin. A visit to the Bremer Geschichtenhaus is also a must, since this is where you can see Bremen history presented live. If you have wanderlust, the Übersee-Museum is definitely worth a visit.

Where the Weser meets the North Sea, you will find the major city of Bremerhaven on the North Sea coast. The experiences and worlds of science are really cutting edge. Modern exhibition concepts explain the present day based on history. The subjects showcased include migration in the Deutsches Auswandererhaus, climate change in the Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8 ° Ost and modern treasure hunting in the Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum. And of course don’t miss your chance to visit the Zoo am Meer, which specialises in aquatic and Nordic animals.